Why Doesn’t Your Furnace Heat Your Whole House
A problematic furnace can have several symptoms including uneven heating. This will result in some of the rooms in your house is warmer than others. During the cold season, this can be frustrating as you will not be enjoying cozy warm temperatures as you should be. Instead, you may have to rely on jackets and sweaters to give you extra warmth. You may even be forced to abandon some rooms. As such, you need to get to the bottom of this issue as soon as you can. The following are some of the reasons as to why your furnace may be failing to heat your entire house.
Duct Issues
Duct problems are one of the things that can lead to uneven distribution of heat around the house. One way in which this can happen is if some ducts happen to be blocked. This could be due to vents that have been obstructed by furniture, carpeting, or other household items. Also, dirty ductwork can lead to clogging. As a result, warm air will struggle to pass through these ducts causing lower temperatures in their intended rooms.
Leaky ducts can also be a problem. This can arise due to a lack of insulation or the presence of openings. Either way, this will reduce or eliminate heated air from reaching certain rooms.
Lack of Proper Insulation
Having proper insulation in your house is important for heat retention. Hence, if some rooms have poorly insulated doors, windows, walls, and attic among others, it would explain why they might feel colder than the rest. This is because they end up losing the heat provided by the furnace. This is not difficult to fix as all you need is to have these areas insulated by an expert.
Having the Wrong Furnace Size
The size of your furnace will affect its effectiveness in heating your home. Hence, if you are experiencing uneven heating, it could be that you are using a wrongly sized furnace. With an undersized furnace, it may lack the capacity to properly distribute hot air throughout your entire living space. On the other hand, oversized furnaces are prone to short cycling which in turn leads to improper heating.
Issues with the Thermostat
At times, problems with the thermostat can be the cause of inconsistent heating. It might be having issues with the heat sensors or a fault with the wiring causing it to record false temperature readings. As a result, the furnace may be inadequately or excessively heating some of the rooms in the house. A faulty thermostat can also cause the furnace to run continuously leading to overheated rooms.
Poor Maintenance
A furnace is likely to lose its fitness with time. To retain peak performance, heating system maintenance is a must. Failure to do so will mean that some issues may go undetected and, hence, unresolved. As the problems worsen, the furnace may lose its ability to distribute the heated air throughout the house. Also, without proper maintenance, the unit is likely to wear out faster due to the lack of necessary tune-ups. A prolonged furnace replacement could also be the reason behind your furnace’s inability to heat your whole house.
Poor Ventilation
Proper airflow is important for the distribution of hot air around your house. If ventilation issues arise, the furnace may not be able to properly dispense air to your home causing an imbalance with the heating. A wrongly sized filter can cause this. This is if it is too thick, bringing about a lot of resistance. A dirty air filter can also restrict airflow in and out of the system, and so do blocked vents.
The Structure of the House
Depending on how a house has been structured, different rooms can have various heating needs. For instance, as hot air moves up in a multilevel home, upstairs rooms may end up being warmer than the rest. Also, the thermostat monitors the temperature in the room in which it is located. If a large house relies on a single thermostat, rooms that are far away from it may be left unconditioned. The same applies to rooms that are further away from the unit and are the last ones to receive heated air.
With cold temperatures racking outside, you need an indoor environment that will keep you warm and comfortable. This will not be the case if your furnace is not evenly heating your home. If this happens, you should keep an eye on the above causes.